Includes brief explanations of more than 300 key people and events that all Christians should know. The next 10 feet show a time line of Church History also filled with color photos and illustrations that begins with the life of Jesus and continues to the present day. Shows hundreds of facts includes dates of kings, prophets, battles, and key events. The first 10 feet show a Bible Time Line filled with colorful photos and illustration that compares Scriptural events with world history and Middle East history.

This gorgeous time line is printed on heavy chart paper, and can read like a book, or slipped out of its binding and posted in a hallway or large room.

Read it like a book, or pull out the 20-foot time line and post it on the wall. Here are 6,000 years and 20 feet of time lines in one beautiful hard-bound cover book! From Adam to modern times, this easy-to-understand Bible study tool will help you compare Bible and world history.